Are We A Good Fit?

At Heart Health, our #1 priority is to help you prevent and reverse heart disease.

We partner with each client to achieve these steps, starting with the REVIEW Phase:

Our Unique Approach

This framework is a critical part of our Heart Health Prevention & Wellness Roadmap –  a unique approach to help motivated adults with pre-diabetes or diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or a strong family history of heart disease get a clear understanding of their cardiac risk. 

During the intake, we’ll review your past medical history and any previous lab tests so we can assess for anything your doctor might have missed.

Next, we'll determine the need for additional lab tests to better understand your cardiovascular risk factors. This typically goes beyond the cardiometabolic lab panel run by your PCP, and might include detailed lipid profile, inflammatory markers as well genetic testing.

After that, we determine the need for advanced cardiac diagnostics – like CIMT, CT calcium score, or CCTA with Cleerly. We often use wearable devices to check your sleep, your blood pressure control, your heart rhythm, and your blood glucose.

Next, in the REBOOT phase, we focus on your mindset for success and sleep & stress management – because these foundational elements are critical to have in place before we move into the next phase.

Many of my clients lead a high-stress life that puts them at serious risk for cardiac events, so as part of my integrative cardiology approach, we seek to establish a new health identity needed for sustainable habits. We will explore the Causal Coaching Model which teaches us that our thoughts control our feelings which lead to our actions and our results. For example, if you think of yourself as “unhealthy” you feel sad and unmotivated which may cause you to sit on the couch and eat cookies which results in you being unhealthy. We can learn to recognize these thoughts and change them, leading to better results. 

In the next step, we will typically start by tweaking your nutrition & diet so we can dial down chronic inflammation and repair any nutritional deficiencies that might be responsible for some of your symptoms. As an integrative cardiologist, I’ll also look at your oral health, since that is closely linked to cardiovascular health.

The last step in this REBOOT phase is we seek to reboot your nervous system and dial down stress triggers that drive inflammation.  Specifically, we’ll strengthen parasympathetic tone to help you shift from “flight or flight” to “rest and digest” mode – while dialing down inflammatory signals and enhancing mood and focus. We also seek to curate a sensible self-care routine and talk through your coping mechanisms for stress.

To kick off the final REBALANCE phase, we will typically start by optimizing your circadian rhythm, one of the most powerful predictors of cardiometabolic health. Beyond upgrading your sleep hygiene, we also review whether a sleep study is needed for further evaluation.

Next, we integrate new ways to move – something that doesn’t even feel like exercising, but helps you meet physical activity goals and rebuilds sustainable habits. Because, the science is crystal clear on this: physical activity is a key driver of cardiovascular health, especially as you’re in your 50s and 60s.

In the final step of our roadmap, we focus on longevity and healthy aging. As part of my integrative cardiology approach, we’ll discuss your specific determinants of healthy aging while reducing the toxic burden from tobacco, alcohol, heavy metals, allergens, and toxins that promote premature aging.

How It Works

Every client’s situation is different, but we always seek to rapidly reduce the severity of your symptoms and then initiate a personalized treatment plan that will completely resolve your remaining symptoms over the course of the next 3-9 months.

Free 30-Minute Consult

A short 30-minute discovery consult to identify the key problems along with the best next steps.

90-Minute Initial Visit

In-depth 90-minute intake visit to review your history, labs and create a solid treatment plan.

6-Month Intensive

Care is delivered over a 6-month intensive sprint, with additional follow-up as needed.

Our collaborative care approach focuses on building lifelong health skills that serve you and your entire family – supported by doctors and health coaches.

You’ll learn about health topics around gut health, inflammation, weight loss, chronic conditions, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and obesity – and how to adapt your lifestyle, habits and environment for optimal wellness that lasts a lifetime.

Wonder If Heart Health Is Right For You?

Every client’s health journey is unique, so if you’d like to explore specific questions or whether our approach is even right for you, then apply for your free discovery call. Our patient coordinator is standing by, happy to answer any questions you have.

Schedule Your Free Consultation

A heart for life’s seasons.
Live healthy today.

Lifestyle changes that you make today will have lasting effects for tomorrow. We can help you thrive as you age.

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